(HOUMA, La.) — MarineCFO has announced its Vessel 365 subscription program will begin in concert with the Subchapter M final rule effective on July 20.
Subchapter M requires towing operators to maintain a towing vessel record or equivalent process to meet inspected towing vessel documentation requirements. Vessel 365 blends logs, checklists, forms and document management into a seamless onboard and shore-side compliance tool.
“The beauty of Vessel 365 is the alignment of all Subchapter M recordkeeping standards under a single roof. Chronological logs, navigation assessments, navigation training, drills and training, oil residue log, fire system assessments, preventative maintenance, nonconformity workflow, and document management create a fully compliant towing vessel record. The USCG required Sub M correction and preservation standard is simple and straightforward,” said MarineCFO Vice President Rocky Marchiano.
“Vessel 365 is fully functional onboard without any Internet connectivity. Only data replication requires an Internet signal. This is a tremendous savings to the vessel’s operating budget,” said chief engineer Steve Kelley of Triton Marine.
The Web-based subscription package may be accessed at www.vessel365.com and includes the MarineCFO proprietary “On Boarding Wizard” which populates vessel particulars, assessments, planned maintenance, and document management within minutes. Subscription options are annual and monthly with a “stacking” option for reduced operating periods.
For more information, visit www.marinecfo.com.