The following is the text of a news release from the U.S. Maritime Administration (MarAd):
(WASHINGTON) — The maritime industry is exploring alternative energy technologies for vessel propulsion and auxiliary systems, with a view toward greater efficiency, lower costs and reduced air emissions. To further these objectives the Maritime Administration, in cooperation with the American Bureau of Shipping, and the American Society for Testing and Materials, will hold a workshop Dec. 15 and Dec. 16 on the use of high-power batteries in maritime transportation.
MarAd’s Office of Environment will sponsor the workshop, under the Maritime Environmental and Technical Assistance (META) Program. The workshop is open to the public and will be streamed live on the Web. Attendees and online participants must register by email at Your email must indicate attendance type (in-person or online attendance) and provide the following information: Your full name, business affiliation, business address, telephone and email address. Non-U.S. citizens participating in person must also provide their country of citizenship, date of birth, passport number, and passport expiration date. Registration must be completed no later than Dec. 2.
The sessions will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Department of Transportation Conference Center, 1200 New Jersey Ave SE, Washington, DC 20590.
In-person participants will enter the DOT building at the intersection of New Jersey Avenue and M Street, Southeast, and will be required to pass through a security checkpoint. Due to security requirements, all attendees must bring a government-issued form of identification (e.g., driver’s license) to ensure access to the building. Foreign national attendees must bring their passports with them. Attendees are encouraged to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the meeting for processing through building security.
For more information contact Tom Thompson at, or (202) 366-6045.