The HALOâ„¢ Sea Barrier has a height of 2.5m above the waterline.
The HALOâ„¢ barrier is a waterborne security system employing advanced composite materials to provide stable floating walls in the water capable of withstanding multiple vessel impacts . The materials used in the barrier are ecologically friendly and require low maintenance. Composite plastic materials are used throughout HALOâ„¢; they do not pollute the environment and are not susceptible to constant degradation in the marine environment. Valuable coastal assets left unguarded are potentially soft targets to adversaries. Attacks upon strategic coastal assets can have immense economic and tactical consequences, coastal assets require robust protection. These may include ships and ports, oil/gas terminals, nuclear or conventional power stations, offshore oil/gas rigs, shoreline buildings and population centers. The height of the HALOâ„¢ floating barrier extends 2.5m (8′) above the water surface, making it impassable to small craft. This improvement over first generation boom systems creates an integrated fortification, producing complete denial of physical entry at and above the waterline. If desired, exclusion can also be extended below the waterline. The new HALOâ„¢ barrier provides an important step forward in maritime security by furnishing a complete solution to the threat of attack by armed small boats. The new design builds on over a decade of research and uses proven technology in the deployment of wave attenuation to withstand any sea state, and be impervious to the corrosive nature of salt water. Its special Impact Displacement Design not only allows it to handle high impact incidents, but to do so and remain intact, ready to repulse a secondary mpact. HALOâ„¢ barriers work by transferring kinetic energy to stop a vessel’s forward motion. The barrier, not the boat, is allowed to deform elastically which keeps the reaction forces relatively low. When a boat strikes the barrier face the resulting energy is dissipated between the two barrier rows of the catamaran structure. Thus, by absorbing the energy, the barrier can survive much higher impacts than rigid structures.