Greek-owned ship runs out of fuel, goes adrift near Puerto Rico

The following is the text of a press release issued by Puerto Rico Towing & Barge Co.:

(SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico) — Tugs TRITON and HONCHO of Puerto Rico Towing & Barge Co. assisted a drifting vessel off the coast of Puerto Rico.


The GLOBAL DESTINY, owned and operated by Diavlos Maritime based in Athen, Greece, called for assistance the morning of Saturday, March 16.  The vessel reported that it had run out of fuel and was drifting approximately five (5) miles off the coast of Dorado, approximately nine (9) miles north west of San Juan.  Puerto Rico Towing’s tug TRITON came to the vessel’s aid and stood by the vessel until it was directed by the United States Coast Guard to proceed to the San Juan harbor anchorage.


On Monday, March 18, the GLOBAL DESTINY was towed by the tug TRITON and tug HONCHO to anchorage.  After receiving inspection and clearance by the USCG, the vessel was towed to Pier 11 for refueling.


Puerto Rico Towing’s Captain Neftali Padilla, celebrating his 15th year with the Company, was in charge of the rescue operation.


Puerto Rico Towing & Barge Co., headquartered in San Juan, Puerto Rico, provides marine transportation services including harbor assistance, cargo transportation, and emergency services to commercial vessels and barges from its base of operations in San Juan.  The Company provides services to other ports in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, other islands of the Caribbean, and other Caribbean ports, as well as between Puerto Rico and the other islands and the U.S. mainland. The Company is commonly known as "PRT."


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By Professional Mariner Staff