(CLEVELAND) — The Great Lakes Towing Co. repositioned its tug Huron to Duluth, Minn., on Monday to enhance capabilities for icebreaking, harbor assist and other services essential to commercial shipping in the Duluth-Superior region. Huron’s first icebreaking operation of 2017 took place late Wednesday evening when it assisted longstanding customer Canada Steamship Lines M/V Thunder Bay in the Port of Duluth.
The harbor fleet in Duluth now includes Huron in addition to tugs Arkansas, Kentucky and North Carolina, giving the fleet “fresh legs” for the upcoming icebreaking battle.
The towing company plans to bring two more former YTBs into service during 2017. These additional tugs will be strategically stationed in other ports where ice breaking services are normally required.
The Great Lakes Towing Co. provides tugboat and towing services, ship assist, logistics and cargo transportation, icebreaking and emergency assistance of every kind of vessel, barge, and marine structure in 40 U.S. Great Lakes ports from Buffalo, N.Y., to Duluth, Minn. The company’s tugs perform commercial icebreaking services during the winter months of the Great Lakes navigating season with the capability of breaking ice up to 3 feet thick and windrows up to 6 feet high. In addition to harbors and in dock areas and slips, the company also provides icebreaking services in navigable waters across the lakes in federal channels and shipping lanes when U.S. Coast Guard or Canadian icebreakers are not available.
To learn more, visit www.thegreatlakesgroup.com.