Findings in Fennica grounding sent to Coast Guard expertise center

The following is the text of a news release from the U.S. Coast Guard:

(JUNEAU, Alaska) — Coast Guard Sector Anchorage marine casualty investigators have sent their initial findings about what caused a 3-foot crack in the motor vessel Fennica’s hull to the Coast Guard Investigations National Center of Expertise (NCOE) for analysis.

After completing their review, the NCOE will submit the information to the Coast Guard Headquarters Investigation Division personnel. Coast Guard headquarters will review the findings and issue a final report about the incident after all of the evidence has been examined. While Coast Guard marine casualty investigations are extremely thorough and may take several months to complete, the following information can be shared:

• The navigational charts found on board the Fennica were all up to date.
• The Fennica’s draft at the time of the incident was 26.25 feet.
• The Coast Guard issued a broadcast notice to mariners after a NOAA hydrographic survey revealed a (22.5-foot plus 3-foot tide) uncharted shoal along Fennica’s track east of Hog Island.
• The vessel's master, mate, and pilot onboard during the time of the casualty underwent DOT drug tests. All results were negative.

Individuals who would like to submit a FOIA request to obtain copies of the final investigation results can do so by sending an email to:

By Professional Mariner Staff