(ALBERTVILLE, Ala.) — Progress Rail, a Caterpillar company, has announced that its EMD 710 Series Model E 23B Tier 4 marine engine has received U.S. Environmental Protection Agency certification in accordance with the Clean Air Act — the only Tier 4-Final, two-cycle engine of its kind to achieve this distinction for the marine market. This milestone reflects Progress Rail’s commitment to its customers and also allows it to provide lower emitting engines, reducing the impact to the environment.
“Our customers requested a U.S. EPA-certified solution to maintain our low lifecycle costs and we are pleased to deliver and receive this certification,” said Brian Grinter, Power Products director. The EMD 710 Series 12-cylinder marine engine has the same footprint as the previous product, addressing customers’ strict specifications to not increase the size of the vessel. This system incorporates reliable selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology to produce fewer emissions while operating at the highest efficiency.
The company anticipates delivering the first pair of engines to a customer by the end of 2016. The certification also provides the company with the opportunity to bid for multiple ferry and tugboat projects.
For more information on EMD engines, visit www.progressrail.com/powerproducts.