Damen Shipyards Group introduces its newly designed Damen AHTS 200, a versatile deepwater Anchor Handling Tug Supplier able to operate in water depths in excess of 3,000 m. The AHTS 200 is the latest addition to the ongoing Damen Offshore Series.
Following the company’s ambitions to increase its market share in the offshore industry, Damen heavily invests in designing state of the art vessels for several offshore sub-markets, noticeably the Offshore Support, Offshore Wind, (Seismic) Research and Transport & Installation industries. Backed by ample R&D and engineering capacity, its own construction yards, specialized partner yards and a rapid expanding service organisation, Damen feels confident that the chosen approach will be successful.
The typical Damen design philosophy, featuring values like safety, functionality, standardisation, modularisation, ease of maintenance and overall quality, can also be found in the Damen AHTS 200. An extensive research analysis was executed on hull optimization, sea keeping qualities, noise and vibration reduction, fuel oil consumption reduction, changing rules and regulations and client-needs and lessons-learned from other Damen designs.
Innovative winch package
The Damen AHTS 200 includes a new and innovative winch arrangement which is quite decisive for the overall dimensions and layout of the vessel. For the development of this extensive winch package Damen teamed-up with Huisman Equipment (The Netherlands), which specializes in heavy lift and deepwater cranes, winches and drilling equipment. The electrically driven winches resulting from this cooperation may be considered an innovative approach, as the market is traditionally dominated by low- pressure hydraulics. The electrical-drive winches provide a clean, green, economical, functional and safe solution for the anticipated operations.
The vessel is suited to generate 200-250 t Bollard Pull and is fitted with engines in a father-son layout, featuring twin-in single-out gearboxes driving CP propellers in a nozzle. High performance flap-type rudders fitted to rotary vane steering gears facilitate a high degree of manoeuvrability supported by ample side thrust capacity, including tunnel thrusters as well as retractable thrusters in fore and aft ship.
Outfitting options
Forward of the winches ample space has been reserved for the fitting of a high-end ROV system with the possibility of launching through a side door. The high beam AHTS could serve as a suitable platform for mounting a subsea construction crane. The design can easily be upgraded with dedicated anti-heeling systems, moon pools and sophisticated diving systems.
The comfortable accommodation can host up to 45 persons in single and double cabins fitted according to the Damen Business or Executive Line comprising modern and durable materials. Special attention is paid to sufficient natural lighting through maximum-sized windows. State-of-the-art infotainment systems, offering multiple levels of data communication, support the functionality and comfort of the vessel.
Although driven by its standardisation philosophy Damen offers ample opportunities to include owner’s standards and component choices for maximal support of their operations. The vessel is designed following an extensive DNV-class notation, although other class societies may be considered as well.
Damen is proud to present this design and is looking forward to discuss details with possible clients.
Damen Shipyards Group
Damen Shipyards Group (est. 1927) operates more than 45 shipyards, repair yards and related companies worldwide. Damen employs over 6,000 people in 34 countries, has delivered over 5,000 vessels since 1969 and delivers up to 150 vessels annually. Based on its unique, standardised ship-design concept and short delivery times, Damen is able to guarantee consistent quality.
Damen’s focus on standardisation and modular construction leads to short delivery times (Damen keeps vessels in stock), low ‘total cost of ownership’, high resale value, proven technology and reliable performance. Damen offers a wide range of products, including: tugs, workboats, patrol vessels, high speed craft, cargo vessels, dredgers, offshore support vessels, oil-spill response vessels and even frigates and super yachts. For nearly all vessel types Damen offers a broad range of Services, such as Lifecycle Maintenance Services, Customer Finance, Training and transfer of (shipbuilding) knowledge.
In addition to shipbuilding, Damen Shiprepair & Conversion offers a network of 12 ship repair & conversion yards worldwide, most of which are conveniently located along the North Sea coast from Brest (France) to Gothenburg (Sweden). Damen Shiprepair & Conversion operates more than 25 drydocks, graven docks and covered drydocks and offers onsite/onboard repair services. Conversion projects range from refitting small fishing vessels into private yachts to the complete conversion or rebuilding of large jack-up rigs.