Cutter open for free tours in Boston


The following is the text of a news release from the U.S. Coast Guard:

(BOSTON) — Coast Guard cutter Grand Isle is scheduled to be open to the public for free tours from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday at Rowes Wharf in Boston.

The Grand Isle, a 110-foot Island-class patrol boat homeported in Gloucester, Mass., is slated to arrive in Boston Harbor at 10 a.m. Wednesday and will be providing maritime security for First Night Boston 2015.

“We are happy to provide security for this great city and its maritime community,” said Lt. Nolan Cuevas, commanding officer of the Grand Isle. “While everyone watches the show, we are here to stand the watch.”

The Grand Isle is scheduled for decommissioning in March 2015 and will be replaced in Gloucester by another patrol boat.

A fundamental responsibility of the U.S. Coast Guard is to safeguard the lives and safety of its citizens in the maritime realm. In partnership with other federal agencies, state, local, and tribal governments, marine industries, and individual mariners, the Coast Guard improves safety at sea through complementary programs of mishap prevention, search and rescue, and accident investigation.

By Professional Mariner Staff