The following is text of a news release from the U.S. Coast Guard:
(CHARLESTON, S.C.) — Coast Guard crews suspended their search Friday for a missing mariner near Charleston Harbor after a fisherman located the body near Orangegrove Creek.
The mariner went missing after a dredge workboat capsized Thursday evening.
Watch standers at Coast Guard Sector Charleston received notification from a fisherman that they found the crewman at approximately 7:50 a.m. Friday. Watch standers diverted Coast Guard crews to the location but were unable to recover the mariner due to water depth. Charleston County Sheriff's used an airboat to reach him.
“While the response was immediate and involved eight agencies, we were ultimately unable to locate the mariner in time. Our condolences go out to the family, friends, and co-workers dealing with this heartbreaking loss," said Capt. John Reed, commander of Coast Guard Sector Charleston.
Coast Guard rescue crews were composed of an Air Facility Charleston MH-65 helicopter crew and three Station Charleston response boat crews. Crews searched throughout the night and conducted first-light searches.
Other agencies involved with the search were Charleston City Fire, North Charleston Fire, Charleston Police, Mount Pleasant Police, Mount Pleasant Fire, Charleston County Sheriffs, and South Carolina Department of Natural Resources.
The cause of the incident is under investigation.
(CHARLESTON, S.C.) — Coast Guard and partner agency crews are searching for a missing mariner after a dredge workboat capsized near Charleston Harbor on Thursday.
Two mariners were on the workboat when it capsized; one was recovered by the dredge.
Coast Guard Sector Charleston Command Center watch standers were notified at 9:51 p.m. Thursday that the dredge Brunswick was towing a workboat with two mariners that capsized. A Coast Guard Air Facility Charleston MH-65 Helicopter crew and two Station Charleston response boat crews searched throughout the night and are conducted first light searches.
Other agencies involved with the search are Charleston City Fire, North Charleston Fire, Charleston Police, Charleston County Sheriffs and South Carolina Department of Natural Resources.
The cause of the incident is under investigation.
The vessel's owner is coordinating salvage.