The following is the text of a news release from the U.S. Coast Guard:
(SEATTLE) — Port State Control officers from Coast Guard Sector Puget Sound discovered significant safety violations during an inspection of the 685-foot Liberian-flagged containership Westwood Robson at the Husky Terminal in the Port of Tacoma on Thursday.
The vessel and crew must remain in port until deficiencies have been corrected to the satisfaction of Coast Guard inspectors and the classification society.
During the inspection, Coast Guard Port State Control examiners observed excessive oil in the bilge holding area, oil-soaked lagging present throughout machinery spaces and clogged oil drains, creating a significant risk of fire. Mechanical issues included deteriorated fittings that contributed to oil and coolant leaks as well as inoperable oil purifiers.
“We are continuing to monitor the Westwood Robson after discovering safety violations, and working with the crew and appropriate authorities to ensure that the issues found are corrected before the ship resumes operations,” said Capt. Thomas Griffitts, deputy commander of Sector Puget Sound. “The international Port State Control program was set in place to encourage and facilitate the highest practicable standards in maritime safety, safe navigation and disposal of marine pollution from ships.”
During a Port State Control exam, the Coast Guard conducts an extensive inspection of onboard systems, including fire protection, lifesaving, machinery, navigation and pollution control. Examiners also assess the crew’s ability to respond to emergencies. A vessel determined to in violation of IMO standards may be subject to detention and remain in port until it can proceed without presenting a danger to the crew or an unreasonable threat of harm to the maritime environment.