Coast Guard issues final rule streamlining mariner credentialing

The following is the text of a press release issued by the U.S. Coast Guard:

(WASHINGTON) — The U.S. Coast Guard’s Marine Safety, Security and Stewardship Directorate announced Monday the publication of a final rule consolidating regulations for the issuance of merchant mariner qualification credentials.

The changes simplify the existing merchant mariner qualification credentialing process by reducing the number of credentials a mariner will need to hold. The rule also eliminates redundant regulatory burdens and government processes. Mariners who self-identify when applying for Transportation Worker Identification Credentials will no longer need to appear in person at a Coast Guard Regional Exam Center when applying for a new, renewal or upgrade credential.

This rulemaking works in tandem with the joint final rule published in Jan. 2007 by the Coast Guard and the Transportation Security Administration on Transportation Worker Identification Credential implementation in the maritime sector.

This final rule follows consideration of public comments on its potential impact. The final rule and related materials may be reviewed at, docket number: USCG-2006-24371.

By Professional Mariner Staff