The following is the text of a press release issued by the U.S. Coast Guard:
(MIAMI) — The Coast Guard is responding to a diesel fuel spill in the Miami River associated with a vessel’s fueling operations Wednesday. The motor vessel Titan Express, was reportedly engaged in fueling operations at the pier when diesel fuel spilled into the water and onto the deck of the ship around 4:20 p.m.
An anonymous source contacted search and rescue watchstanders at the Coast Guard Sector Miami Command Center and reported seeing a sheen on the surface of the water near the 256-foot vessel.
Coast Guard pollution investigators and a small boat crew from Station Miami Beach arrived at the Titan Express, moored at the Antiloean Facility Pier on the Miami River, and estimated approximately 200 gallons of diesel fuel in the water and the remaining fuel was contained on the deck.
A Coast Guard Prevention Team from Sector Miami, Miami-Dade Fire and Rescue crews and members of the Miami-Dade Hazardous Material Team are responding to the incident.
The Miami River is closed north of the Tamiami Canal during clean-up operations.