(HOUSTON) — The U.S. Coast Guard Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise (TVNCOE) has approved the Towing Vessel Inspection Bureau (TVIB) as a third-party organization (TPO) in accordance with 46 CFR Part 139.
As a TPO, TVIB is approved to perform the following functions for towing vessel operators: conduct audits of a towing safety management system (TSMS), and the vessels to which the TSMS applies, to verify compliance with the applicable sections of 46 CFR Subchapter M; issue TSMS certificates to an owner or managing operator who is in compliance with 46 CFR Part 138; conduct surveys of towing vessels to verify compliance with Subchapter M; and issue survey reports detailing the results of surveys, carried out in compliance with 46 CFR Part 137.
TVIB has a well-known process in place for providing AWO RCP audits that will be modified to meet the additional requirements under Subchapter M. Since 2014, TVIB auditors have conducted more than 250 towing safety management system audits and 500 audits of towing vessels operating under those safety management systems to verify compliance with AWO’s RCP. TVIB will be working with client companies to provide a smooth transition from the RCP audit environment to Subchapter M compliance, including options for implementing the external or internal survey program.
For more information, visit www.thetvib.org.