Tier 4 Certified Cat® 3500 and C280 Marine Engines Available to Order
New Orleans, LA – Caterpillar Marine Power Systems will unveil a significant product milestone at the 2013 International Workboat Show, introducing its comprehensive United States EPA Tier 4 power solutions for vessels using engines over 2,000 kW. The first engine platforms to be rolled out as Tier 4 solutions are two legendary performers in the commercial marine industry: the Cat® 3516C marine engine as well as the Cat 280 marine engine. The C280 engine will be available as Tier 4 certified in both the 8 and 12 cylinder configurations. The Cat 3516C Tier 4 certified engine as well as the Cat C280-8 Tier 4 certified engine and Cat C280-12 Tier 4 certified engine are now all available for customers to order through the global Cat dealer network.
Read the full release (no images at the time): http://www.cat.com/en_US/news/press-releases/caterpillar-to-launchepatier4solutionsattheinternationalworkboat.html
For up to the minute updates at the show, please follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/catmarineglobal and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/caterpillarmarine using #catatwbs. The Caterpillar booth will be located at #2802 and #2902 in the Convention Center. Please text me at the Show to arrange an interview with our marine experts at 979-541-9997. I will try and respond to e-mail requests as quickly as I can.
We will also be having a press event on Wed, Oct 9th at 3:00 p.m. in Room 204 if you are interested in learning more about the new Cat Propulsion Solutions and Berg Propulsion acquisition. Executives from both Caterpillar and Berg will be available for interviews. Please RSVP to me via e-mail if you would like to attend.
For more information on Caterpillar Marine Power Solutions:
Browse our Website: http://marine.cat.com/news-events
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