Seafarers & International House will hold its eleventh annual awards banquet on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at the New York Athletic Club. The theme of this year’s event, Setting the Course, is the Maritime Labor Convention, adopted by the International Labour Organization in 2006 and the efforts to achieve its full ratification by all seafaring nations and in particular, the United States of America.
The banquet will honor two individuals who have worked tirelessly in this regard: Joseph J. Cox, (President, Chamber of Shipping of America) and Mayte Medina (Chief, Maritime Personnel Qualification Division, United States Coast Guard). Mr. Cox and Ms. Medina will receive the Outstanding Friend of Seafarers Award and will offer, respectively, industry and government perspectives on U.S. ratification. Joining Mr. Cox and Ms. Medina in their remarks will be David W. Heindel (Secretary-Treasurer, Seafarers International Union) who will offer the labor perspective on U.S. ratification. Mr. Heindel is a 2003 banquet honoree.
MLC 2006 has been described as the “bill of rights for seafarers”. It will serve as the ••fourth pillar” of the international regulatory regime for quality shipping, complementing the key IMO conventions (SOLAS, STCW and MARPOL). Seafarers & International House believes it is incumbent for all friends of seafarers to support MLC 2006 and to urge the U.S. Senate to ratify it without delay.
For information concerning banquet reservations and program journal subscriptions, contact Ms. Noreen M. Fleming (212-677-4800, extension 1218 or