(January, 2011, Columbia, Maryland) The Marine Technology Society (MTS) is pleased to announce Jerry Boatman, Ocean Science and Technology Director of QinetiQ North America, has assumed his new duties as Society President. Boatman, of Stennis Space Center, MS, will serve a two-year term. Drew Michel, owner and principal consultant of ROV Technologies, Inc., Houston, TX, also assumes his responsibilities as the Society’s President-Elect. Former President Liz Corbin, Kaneohe, Hawaii now serves as Past President on MTS’ Board of Directors.
Boatman was formerly a senior manager of the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command, where he was awarded the Secretary of the Navy’s Distinguished Civilian Service Award. He has provided his extensive expertise as a volunteer to a number of leading institutions, including the Marine Board and the National Science Foundation. In Mississippi, Boatman served on the governor’s technology-based economic development planning team. For his many contributions to the Society and the marine technology community, he was named an MTS Fellow in 2003, the Society’s most distinguished recognition. In addition to bringing his technical expertise to the Society, Boatman will carry forward MTS’ updated strategic plan, and has been a champion for investment in the development of new Society programs and services.
Michel has 44 years of experience in technical and executive positions in the marine technology industry. He is an MTS Fellow, a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and for 18 consecutive years chair of the MTS ROV Professional Committee and co-chair of the annual Underwater Intervention Conference. He serves on the National Visiting Committee of the Marine Advanced Technology Education Center, and supported the National Academy of Sciences and various other committees. He is the recipient of the Lockheed-Martin Award for Ocean Science and Engineering, was selected by Engineering News Record as an honoree for Outstanding Engineering Achievement and was inducted in October 2009 into the Offshore Energy Center Hall of Fame.
“I am very pleased to be working with Jerry and Drew, both dynamic and innovative leaders. They are continuing the Society’s tradition of strategic leadership, with clearly identified direction and goals,” said Rich Lawson, MTS Executive Director. “Jerry is a strong advocate for the development of new programs that will move the Society forward in both overall growth as well as technological influence. Drew is a long-time innovator, and both bring a wealth of experience to MTS. Their combined skills, network of national and international contacts, and amazing expertise will further solidify MTS as the leading marine technology society.”
The Marine Technology Society is an international community of ocean engineers, technologists, policy-makers and educators that provides the ocean community with forums for the exchange of information and ideas through its peer-reviewed MTS Journal, conferences, newsletters and Web site (www.mtsociety.org).