GICA seeks members' input on attending August seminar

The following is text of a news release from the Gulf Intracoastal Canal Association (GICA):

(NEW ORLEANS) — The GICA board is assessing our way ahead regarding our planned 115th Annual Seminar scheduled for Aug. 5-7 in New Orleans. Given what we know about COVID-19 concerns, we wanted to be sure we are meeting the expectations of our members, our wider brownwater industry attendees, exhibitors, government partners, and other stakeholders who typically make our seminars a great success.

We would like to get your sense about this year’s event. Please take few minutes to answer the following questions. Please copy the text below, paste it in an email, add your responses and send to me ASAP at

GICA 2020 Seminar Survey

1. Do you (and your spouse, if relevant) plan to attend GICA’s annual seminar in New Orleans scheduled for Aug. 5-7, and if not, why? Additionally, if your company has a travel ban, when does it end?

2. If you are uncertain about your attendance, is there anything we, or the hotel, could do to make you feel more comfortable about attending?

3. Would you still be interested in spouses’ event and/or golf?

4. If we chose to move the event to a daylong virtual meeting, in lieu of a face-to-face meeting, do you think you attend? What are some of the factors you may weigh in your decision?

5. If we convene a one daylong GICA membership meeting later in the fall, to include a limited number of panel presentations and evening reception event, would you consider attending?

6. If you were a generous sponsor of our event last year, would you consider sponsoring a limited event this year?

To help us make a timely decision, please respond no later than this Friday, June 12. For more information or questions, call (901) 490-3312 or visit

By Professional Mariner Staff