(RALEIGH, N.C.) — EnSolve Biosystems has completed a successful sea trial of its EnScrub SOx scrubber water treatment system on board a vessel operating in the Baltic region. The EnScrub system was installed in April 2016 and the DNV certification testing that was conducted in August 2016 revealed that during closed-loop operation, the EnScrub system was successful in legally discharging 97 percent of the SOx scrubber water entering the system. The remaining 3 percent (sludge) was sent to a decanter for further dewatering.
“Because of the successful sea trial,” said Jason Caplan, EnSolve’s CEO, “Our scrubber client achieved DNV certification for their EGC system as well as the EnScrub system for this vessel.” Per the October 2016 IMO ruling, sulfur emissions will need to be reduced from 3.5 percent of fuel content (current) to 0.5 percent by 2020. Alternatively, owners can install SOx scrubbers to remove sulfur from the exhaust. Caplan continued, “The incorporation of an EnScrub device into a SOx scrubber system provides our shipping customers a complete pollution abatement system that addresses regulated contaminants in the engine emissions as well as the scrubber water.”
Caplan added that EnSolve is currently in discussions with several scrubber companies for the possible inclusion of the EnScrub technology in their scrubber product lines. EnScrub models are now available for closed-loop, open-loop or hybrid applications.
For more information, visit www.ensolve.com.