(MADISONVILLE, La.) — Continuing its response to calls from the tug and towboat industry, Cleargistix has released Cleargistix Tug & Tow Version 2.0. This system enables seamless digital communication and workflow processes from dispatch to the vessel to accounting.
Cleargistix Tug & Tow is a cloud-based solution that enables companies to digitally capture vessel scheduling, crew tracking, master logs, billing logs and other information at the point of engagement and track it from dispatch to the vessel and back to accounting, through every step of the process.
What’s new in Version 2.0
Smart job scheduler:
• Enables companies to schedule and dispatch jobs digitally without relying on a manual process of paper and phone calls.
• Avoid overcommitting boats.
• Find available vessels and crew for given requirements; i.e., 24-hour job, ensure you have all needed captains and crew available.
Alerts and notifications:
• Eliminate relying on spotty cellphone coverage as your only form of communication. The system notifies captains/vessels when jobs are dispatched via email and text messages.
Digital billing log:
• Instead of using paper ledgers or manual notes, the system provides logs and billing information immediately to accounting and other roles in the process.
Crew tracking:
• Eliminate spending hours every pay period on translating needed information payroll. Track crew hours in real time.
For more information, visit www.cleargistix.com.