Greening ships design by design

Greening ships design by design

Designing environmentally friendly ships and converting existing vessels requires a major multidisciplinary approach, involving the extensive expertise of naval architects, designers, engineers, vessel operators, equipment suppliers, and other stakeholders.  It seems everything is on the table when it comes to green ship design, including fuel efficiency, emissions reduction, and the use of sustainable materials. The common thread is the goal…
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Still a killer after all these years

If you like rock n’ roll music, you may remember the Rolling Stones album “Goat’s Head Soup” or if you are into classic disaster movies, you may recall “The Towering Inferno.” Or, if maritime history is your thing, the obscure saga of the cargo ship SS Alpha.  The golden thread connecting all of these seemingly unrelated things is that all…
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The sternwheel tug Portland

The sternwheel tug Portland

Presently resting comfortably at the Willamette River seawall in downtown Portland, Or., the sternwheeler Portland’s quiet retirement as home of the Oregon Maritime Museum belies its past as one of the most unique historic vessels afloat.  Ordered by the Port of Portland, Portland was built in 1947 at the Northwest Iron Works shipyard to replace her predecessor of the same name, built in…
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